Make your birthday count for ocean conservation!

Donating to OCS by creating a birthday fundraising campaign through Facebook is a meaningful and effective way to support our marine mammal research and conservation work – and it’s easy!


create a Facebook fundraiser for OCS on your birthday

Login to your Facebook account.

Go to your “home” page, and look on the left side column. You should see the “fundraisers” option (heart icon).

Click on “fundraisers” and choose “Ocean Conservation Society”.

Set your fundraising goal and time-frame.  Set something that you feel good about and then see where it goes. Starting around $100-200 is a good and feasible goal.

Engage friends and family in your online community! This is key if you want to reach your goal. Share the fundraiser often on your timeline and remind everyone you’re giving them a chance to meaningfully contribute to a cause you care about.

Thank you for making OCS the recipient of your generous contribution for the protection of whales, dolphins and the oceans

Have questions?


Other meaningful ways you can donate